
Btw-id: NL001794919B85

Saturday, April 20, 2024


Sweater for a real pet lover!

When it’s someones birthday and this person is a real 

animal lover who owns a lot of pets…you can’t pass up the

 opportunity to crochet a little jumper like this!

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Squirrel on the way!

You can find a lot of brooches and other handmade items in my Etsy shop.

Unfortunately this squirrel with acorn was the last of his kind, but no worries: a whole bunch of other animals, buildings, utensils and food is still available and waiting for you to be bought and worn!

Click here to go to my Etsy Shop.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


Birthday present for a one year old

This nursery gift for little Fionn is inspired by his birthday announcement. A card designed and drawn by his own famous daddy, illustrator Paddy Donnelly.

Take a look at his side:

Sunday, March 31, 2024


Happy Easter Everyone!

One of my ‘guilty pleasures’ are seasonal decorations. 

It gives me a warm feeling when the Easter branch with chicks and eggs is back in the corner of the room.

Monday, March 25, 2024


Trip to Doesburg

What an inspirational trip it was: small town Doesburg with his Lalique museum. 

So special to see the work of René, one of the most famous jewelry designers of Art Nouveau, in reality.

Love the materials such as glass, enamel, horn and shells he used for his designs. All based on the color, lucidity shine and shape, not necessarily on exclusivity or preciousness.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Gift for a special person

What an achievement; in addition to the age, the passion and lifestyle of this person are especially extraordinary. 

The love for vintage clothing is reflected in this little jumper, a unique gift for a special person.


Monday, March 11, 2024

Gift for big sister Rosa

A while ago I embroidered the name of (then) newborn little LucĂ­a. Her parents asked if I could embroider the name of their oldest daughter as well.

Now Rosa’s name can be displayed next to her little sister’s name LucĂ­a!

(…you can find the post from LucĂ­a on January 28, 2023)


Monday, March 4, 2024

Family weekend

Once a year my boyfriend’s family organizes a family weekend somewhere in the Netherlands. 

This time we were all together in a villa in Vierlingsbeek; 

a lot of fun and warmth in a beautiful surrounding with emerging nature. 

Spring is clearly in the air!

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Valentines!

Especially for the people who always hear 

‘there are more fish in the sea’:

a nice fish bowl brooch with two fish in it!

Buy the brooch now in my Etsy shop!


Sunday, January 28, 2024


Sunny days

My last post was about snow and white winter landscapes;

but today it almost feels like spring!

The cat can’t be more happy with this warmth 

and follows all the sunny spots in the living room.

One of her favorite spots is our little vintage poof.

Monday, January 22, 2024


Snowy days

An unexpected surprise this week: 

a beautiful white winter landscape because of snow.

Still perfect weather to make tiny sweaters!

Somehow they are almost addictive 

to crochet and I can’t stop making them…

Monday, January 8, 2024


A handmade little present for newborn Frej.  

I’m crocheting a bunch of tiny sweaters during 

Christmas time and winter…

And when a little baby boy is born, 

why not make one especially for him?

This little sweater is partially inspired by his birth announcement card!

Sunday, December 31, 2023


Happy New Year!

This year has really flown by!

Yet, I managed to fulfill my personal goals I set for myself this year, 

which gave me a peace of mind.

And in the creative field I’ve been pleasantly surprised 

by a new technique that I would like to further explore in the new year!

So, all that’s left to say is: Happy New Year to all of you!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas!

A Merry Christmas to all of you!

I hope you have beautiful and enjoyable days 
together with your loved ones.
Let us be grateful for everything we have and keep in mind that there are many who aren’t that blessed in the world at the moment…


Monday, December 18, 2023


Handmade little Christmas sweater

I already made this cute Christmas sweater when we were on holiday with our little camper van in summer.
Now it can finally show off on the Christmas tree!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Ready for Christmas!

Finally some Christmas designs are added to the jewelry collection ‘A Humdrum Life’!
Even more limited than the other designs, so be quick if you want to be the owner of a red nosed reindeer, candy cain or a set of warm mittens!
You can find them in my Etsy shop.

Friday, November 17, 2023


Mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms!

Autumn is such a wonderful time of the year, 
all those colors and that wonderful smell.
To enjoy this autumn atmosphere even more, 
we went to the forest. 
And what a bunch of mushrooms grew there; I had never seen so many species together!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Crazy Little Stitch Frame

Nothing better than a personal quote for a special occasion as a gift!
Make a memory or special moment tangible in an embroidered quote:
Order your own unique handmade item by 
putting together your own frame size and text 
in my Etsy shop or send a mail/DM!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Belated Pumpkin carving

Since we just got back from our trip, Halloween took a bit of a back seat. But we won’t let just pass the opportunity to carve a pumpkin. So this afternoon we sat down with our carving set, some nice music and a drink…
We’re quite happy with the result!


Monday, October 30, 2023


Picking up our Wally in Italy

We went back to Italy, 
because we had to pick up our camper that we had left there. 
Luckily our Wally was still there, 
safe and sound, waiting for us!

Monday, October 16, 2023

A new adventure awaits!

This year I got a very special birthday present:
a duo tufting gun.
This is a tool you can use to make rugs or wall hangings. 
Now I can make bigger items and also at a higher speed than I normally do. 
I’m so excited! 


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

World Animal Day!

Happy World Animal Day to everyone who has or loves animals all over the world!
What would we human beings be, 
without the unconditional love of our beloved pets?

Saturday, September 30, 2023


Our long trip to Northern Italy

With proud I can say we made it to the North of Italy with our little campervan named Wally!
It was quite a journey; just after we left our tour seemed to end again.. But miraculously we got our camper working again and we drove to Italy in a few weeks!
It was a wonderful trip with beautiful nature, interesting sights and above all delicious food!